Monday, May 19, 2014

A Letter to Madelynn on her Birthday

My precious Madsy,

The last four years have been a whirlwind of experiences that I will never forget. You are growing before my very eyes and I am so blessed to be your mommy. You are the most creative and imaginative little girl that I have ever met. You are constantly using your toys for imaginative purposes in ways that I would never even think of. You're a natural leader, giver, and nurturer. The volunteers in church all agree that you're in charge and Annabella would definitely agree. You have the spirit of a leader and that will take you so far, baby girl. When any of us are sick you immediately go to your pretend food stash and put a meal together, get your doctor gear to give us a check up, and bring us blankets and pillows to make sure we get enough rest. In the middle of playing, you stop and announce that you're going to check on the baby and run to make sure Noah is okay. I have never met another child who cares so much about others. You're so, so special.

As I said before, being your mommy is such a blessing. You're my oldest, so it's more challenging raising you. I know what to expect as your brother and sister go through the stages you've already gone through, but your stages are all brand new. And they're amazing. I listen to you play with your sister and I hear my words come out of your mouth. You're a mini me and I can't express how flattered I am. 

Right now your favorite things to do are painting, drawing, running, dressing up, cooking (with pretend food and real food with mommy), tea parties, and you love watching a good movie. You're an amazing snuggler and you are absolutely hilarious. Your smile is contagious and your love is unconditional. Just like Annabella, your favorite time of day is when daddy gets home. You ask about him throughout the day and run into his arms when he walks through the door. 

While I miss you being little, I adore that you're getting older and more mature. I love how our conversations have evolved and we're able to talk on a different level now-a more mature level. We love teaching you about Jesus, answering questions about Him and watching your morals grow. 

You're on of a kind and I know that God has amazing plans for your future. I will always be here for you, you can always talk to me, and I will ALWAYS be your biggest fan. Madelynn, you made me a mommy. You changed my life in ways that I could have never imagined. You forced me to grow up and become a better person. You've done as much good in my life as I have in your life. Thank you, sweet girl.  I love you more than words.

Happy 4th Birthday.



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