Tuesday, June 30, 2015

DIY Milk Bottle Decor

With the explosion of farmhouse style (thank you Joanna Gaines!) people have been using a lot of vintage items for decor. I jumped right on the band wagon when we decided to redo our kitchen and aim for a farmhouse feel. The style is so traditional and I really feel like it's going to be around for a while, so we felt comfortable going with the current trend. Plus, I LOVE my farmhouse sink, so I don't care if it's out of style next week, I will forever love it. FOREVER. 

Moving on...

I haven't revealed our kitchen makeover just yet, but I will be in the very near future. For now, please settle for a quick DIY milk bottle project. You can buy milk bottles for anywhere from $5-$20+. It's not that we can't afford a $5 milk bottle, but we already had so many frappuccino bottles on hand and they look just like milk bottles!

This is so simple that it's barely a DIY post. It's more of a "Hey, have you realized this yet?" post. The possibilities with dressing these up are endless. You could paint, distress, use chalkboard labels, fabric, etc. After peeling off the label, I chose to tie lace tulle to the middle of the bottle and wrap jute around the neck. I really think I may paint and distress some soon for another part of the kitchen. I put them on a tray we bought from Ikea and put a dried hydrangea in one of them and BOOM, it's immediate farmhouse decor for FREE. 

Thanks for reading! Now go get that coffee you so desperately need and add a little farmhouse charm to your home! (To see all of the details on the buffet, check out this post!

**UPDATE: Click here to see our Farmhouse Inspired Kitchen reveal**

Our DIY Farmhouse Styled Buffet

I haven't revealed our farmhouse inspired kitchen, but it's coming very soon! Right now, I'd like to show you how I styled the buffet in our eat in kitchen. The kitchen is very large, divided by an island in the middle. In a bay window we have our dining set from our old dining room and the buffet. The wall behind the buffet is HUGE, so it was really difficult to style. I wanted the room to feel cohesive AND like it was two separate spaces. It was a challenge. I kept the farmhouse style with the items on the buffet, wall decor and the furniture we already had was very farmhouse-y. 

Here is how I styled our buffet for a cohesive farmhouse feel with items we had from around the house. 

I am the queen of DIY. I will scrounge up items from around my house and make decor way before I'll go buy something new. I painted both of the thrifted frames that are in the back. The on the left is framed scrapbook paper and the one on the right is a botanical print from a book that I bought super cheap from Amazon. (There will be details about that in the kitchen reveal) The milk bottles that you see are DIY projects as well. You can see what I made them from here. The Ikea tray that they're sitting on is the only new item on this buffet. But it's so pretty and it resembles eyelet lace, so I couldn't resist buying it.

The plates hanging on the wall were thrifted. They were $0.25 each. The one in the middle is extra special because that is a plate from the same exact dish set that my great grandmother used to own! It's not her actual plate, but it's identical. And it makes me feel so warm and happy when I see it. I can remember her serving delicious meals on those plates and how much fun it was to handwash them while I got to stand on the stool at her house. I can't believe I just happened to come across one at the thrift store. 

The tea pot, sugar bowl and Japanese statue are from my dad's mom. She passed away and I inherited a lot of treasures from her.  The books that the tea pot is sitting on are mechanic books from my husband's grandfather. They're very old and very beautiful. It's very important to me to decorate with meaningful items. Seeing a plate like my great-grandmother's, dishes from my grandmother and books from Jonathan's grandfather are daily reminders of those that we love and miss so deeply.

You can see the full buffet here, which surprisingly we bought from Ikea. It's discontinued now. You can tell how long the wall is that spans through the eat in portion all the way to the rest of the kitchen. And beside the buffet is a chair that used to sit beside my grandmother's bed. I recovered the cushion with some extra fabric I had lying around and I left all of the marks on the chair because wood needs marks-it needs scratches, bumps and creases for character.

Thank you so much for reading! For more posts, please subscribe to emails from Our Journey in Love! Comment below with any questions and let me know if you've fallen on the farmhouse bandwagon!!

Sunday, June 28, 2015

10 Tips if you're planning to become a ONE income family

Since 2012 our family has been a one income family. The day that I found out I was pregnant with Annabella, Jonathan and I decided I would not go back to work after she was born, unless it was absolutely necessary. I was determined to be a stay at home mom to my girls. Working mothers have the absolute hardest jobs of all. They have to juggle their jobs, homes, children and husbands all at the same time. Jobs are not flexible for mothers and the guilt is overwhelming. So working moms, I salute you and I feel for you. And if you choose to work, I applaud you and you have my total support. Staying home has it's benefits, but it definitely has it's challenges. The number one challenge being the lack of money. Losing my income was a huge hit for us and we had some serious adjusting to do afterwards. I've learned a lot in the past three years and now we're a family of FIVE living on one income. If you're interested in becoming a stay at home mom or if you're struggling, read the tips that I've put together below. This is how we have survived the last 3 years.

Tip #1- Save up BEFORE you take the plunge
In our situation, we had a built-in timeline. After the baby was born I would go on maternity leave and towards the end of maternity leave, I would resign. We wanted to wait until after the baby was born and we had adjusted to living on one income for a couple of months before we made it 100% final with my job. My boss knew that I was up in the air about returning, so it wasn't a complete shock when I resigned. We had about 7 months before I was leaving work to save money. That meant cutting back on spending significantly, which ended up helping us learn to live without spending immediately. It's amazing how little money you actually NEED to live. If you're trying to make the decision to stay home, set a goal with your husband. Plan to pay off some debt to reduce your monthly spending before you resign your job, or take your income (minus gas money and lunch) and put it in savings, living like you aren't even making the money. Make sure you have a nest egg before you quit-a couple of months worth of money at least. 
Challenge: Write down everything you spend for a month. Or print it off of your online bank statement if you exclusively use a debit or credit card. Color code your spending by food, gas, personal, etc. Add up the money you spent that you could have avoided spending. Notice where you spent the most money and put a plan in action to spend less in that area also. 

Tip#2- Grocery shop SMART & meal plan
Most grocery stores offer store cards that give you extra savings. Kroger offers a gas point for every dollar you spend and on the weekends you get double the points. Once you get 100 points, you receive $.10 off of gas, so you're saving on gas and groceries. Publix offers weekly BOGO offers on a large variety of items. Sunday nights I check their BOGO offers and go to strictly shop their sale items the next day. Take the time once a week to go through your local grocery store sales items online. Make a grocery list by store and go crazy on BOGO, especially if it's items that you use regularly. Stock up! It'll save you when you're having a tight week. A lot of grocery stores offer digital coupons, too. 
You also definitely need to meal plan. I have written out a list of all of the meals that I cook. Then I put those papers in page protectors and go through with a wet erase marker and decide what meals I'm going to cook for the week. Buy everything at the store in one trip and that will reduce your trips to the store, reduce your gas used and reduce eating out. If you already have meals planned, there's less chance for eating out because you're unprepared for dinner.

Tip #3- Evaluate your utilities and insurance
Going from two incomes to one is the time to see where you can decrease your spending-in all areas. Maybe you can cancel that expensive cable bill because you can survive off of Hulu and Netflix (less than $20/month verses $100/month). It's also a good time to rate shop insurance. You can bundle car and home insurance for a discount, and there may be other discounts that you're missing out on through your insurance companies. Do your research, don't pay for something if you don't have to.

Tip #4- Be mindful of wasting utilities
By this, all I mean is don't waste power and water. Turn off lights, unplug TV's, go easy on the AC and use ceiling fans, open the windows in the fall, take baths instead of showers, etc. The biggest way we save on our power bill in the summer is by barely using the AC. We live in Georgia, so it can get pretty hot. But the kids and I are home all day, so we use the ceiling fans, dress lightly and play in the water outside. I don't ever turn the AC lower than 77. EVER. Our power bill certainly reflects that sacrifice.

Tip #5- Have fun for FREE
I have three kids and they love to go out and do stuff. Since they're 5 and under, they're not too picky on what it is they're doing. Your local library probably has story time in the mornings, as well as other fun events during the summer. You can also get free family passes to various attractions throughout your state, including your local zoo at Pines libraries. In the summer and fall our town has a farmers market and we take the kids every Saturday. Free concerts are also a lot of fun in the warmer months and in the winter, your town may do a lot of fun, free events like ours does. You can always take them to parks, book stores, fast food playgrounds, find a mommy group, etc. Look online and find restaurants that offer kids eat free evenings-lots of restaurants have a day a week that they do that.
Something that I've recently started doing is becoming a secret shopper. Lots of businesses look for secret shoppers that they pay to visit restaurants and other attractions for a clear understanding on how their employees are doing. I'm a secret shopper for Stone Mountain Park and they pay for all of our attractions, parking and food-for up to 6 people!

Tip #6- Hustle! 
Chances are, you have a talent that you can share with the world. Start a blog or an Etsy shop, sell at farmers markets and craft fairs. I started Madsy Bella Boutique on a whim and I have been in business for over a year now. I have an Etsy shop, Facebook page, I sell at our Farmers Market in the summer and fall and I participate in events throughout the year with other local artisans. 
If you aren't artsy or crafty, you probably have a ton of crap in your house that you could stand to get rid of-especially of the baby variety! Our town has a flea market Facebook page where locals sell their gently used, unwanted items. Then we meet in a public place to complete the transaction. Craigslist is another idea-but much riskier, so be careful!
I've also taken online surveys through Opinion Outpost. You receive points for every survey you take and after a certain amount of points, you can cash them in for a variety of things. I usually go with $10 in an Amazon gift card and use that money for Amazon Pantry items or things for my business.

Regardless of how you earn extra money, it always feels good to make your "own" money. Save it for Christmas or put it toward bills when you have a rough month.

Tip #7- Join a church or participate more if you're already a member 
If you get stir crazy and need to get out of the house more, joining a church is a great way to get out of the house and spend time with like minded people. Churches have so many needs and are always asking for volunteers. Our church offers fun things for the kids to do throughout the summer also. If you are already a member, participate more! 

Tip #8- BUDGET! 
This is kind of a given, but you must budget. Budget money for going out too, you and your family need time out. Eating at a favorite restaurant or seeing a movie is a fun treat. I use the previous month's income to pay the current month's bills, so we always have money in our checking account, in case of emergencies. We no longer use any credit cards, but we do have one for emergencies as well as a savings account. Budget down to the smallest thing and save the rest of your money. You'll need it. I promise.

Tip #9- Support your husband 
Support him when he has to work late, encourage him and always have his back when he's working. He doesn't want to be at work longer than he has to any more than you want him to. But he's doing it for you and if he gets overtime, that's a bonus! We made a big sacrifice after Madelynn was born and Jonathan made the decision to go back to school. He took online classes and he's currently working on his master's degree. It's expensive. It's time consuming and it's stressful for him and for me. BUT, it's all for the greater good of our family and his career. School is temporary, but it has lasting benefits. If school isn't your husband's thing, encourage him to climb the ladder at his current job or to take the plunge and get a new job! Don't let him settle. Don't let him work in misery. Jonathan left his job of TEN years on a leap of faith. We were terrified. There's truly no "job security", but being at the same job you've worked at for ten years feels much more secure than leaving it for a place you've never heard of when you have two children and a pregnant wife. Especially when your health insurance won't kick in until after her due date. My point is, there is never a good time to get a new job, but if your husband isn't using his full potential or making the money he could, encourage him to step out on faith and try something new. Talk about it together, pray together and find a solution you're both comfortable with. But most of all, love him and let him know how much you appreciate him. Seriously.

Tip #10- Have faith and tithe 10%
Quitting your job, losing a ton of money and becoming a stay at home mom is a HUGE leap of faith. Only God can bring you from living a life with two incomes and barely enough money to a life with one income and enough money for your family. It doesn't make sense, but He did it for us and He'll do it for you. The Bible tells us to give our first fruits to the church, 1/10 of your earnings. (Proverbs 3:9-10) Put tithe into your budget so you're already taking it out of your earnings before you accidentally spend it. I PROMISE if you tithe your money, God will absolutely bless you. The Bible promises it. The Bible does NOT lie. TAKE A LEAP OF FAITH, FRIEND.

I hope this blesses you with the courage to follow your heart and change your life. Do you have anything to add? Is there anything that you do that is saving you a TON of money as a SAHM? Do you have any questions about any of my tips? Let me know in the comments!! 

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Noah's *NEW* Room Reveal!

Noah’s Room Reveal

It’s been two months since we closed on our house. We've worked in every single room and honestly, there’s not a single room that is complete. But if I had to choose one, I’d choose Noah’s room. His room is the easiest. It’s a nice size, not too big and not too small. We live in a cape cod, so the upstairs ceilings are sloping, making some of the walls shorter than standard walls, which made it very easy to paint.

Here is the room as it looked when we first purchased the house. It was fine. Just not our style.

And here is the room as it looks now. **This room has very little natural light, so please excuse the darkness in the photos**

I bought a gallon of gray paint for the lower cabinets and island in our kitchen (which is SO close to being finished, I can't WAIT to post about it!) and I had a TON of paint left over. So I used it in his room. If you're wondering, the 2 doors that you see from the entrance into his room are the closet and the hall going into the finished bonus room. The girls share the bonus room for their bedroom because we thought it'd be cool for all three of them to have this wing of the house for themselves. They LOVE it.

At our last house, we were still transitioning Noah from our bed to his bed, but he was still sleeping our room. He NEVER slept in his room that I slaved over when I was pregnant with him!  When we moved into this house, we started him out in his room immediately. It took a couple of days of adjustment, but now he sleeps through the entire night right here in his crib. Because we co-slept for over a year, I put a body pillow along half of the crib so he has something soft to roll into and he loves sleeping on pillows, so he has his own bed pillow. I bought this crib second hand for $70. I also use the Ikea Poang chair in the corner on the off chance that he wakes up in the middle of the night. Below it, we keep his baby monitor and a sound machine, he sleeps very well with the rain option playing throughout the night. 

I bought this dresser second hand as well and I repainted it this fun green and spray painted the knobs with Rustoleum’s oil rubbed bronze. I absolutely LOVE their metal spray paints. They have a very authentic metal look, so I highly recommend them for all sorts of projects. I try to buy as many wooden toys as I can for him, they last longer and look cooler to me. The lanterns are from Ikea and I thought they were string lights, so when I opened the box to find only lanterns, I had to get creative. I strung them on jute and simply tacked them to the wall. He loves them and points at them saying, “ball!” The trash can is a basket that I bought for $1 at a thrift store. I painted some areas green and left the rest natural. It blends nicely with the room and looks much better than a plastic can.

I had these “Noah” letters and frames in his other room, the same color. I printed pictures of him and hung them with washi tape so we can update them as he gets bigger. I made this train table from an Ikea Lack coffee table and fabric remnants that I found at Walmart. The train track is from Ikea also, your guess is as good as mine on where the rest of his trains are! My parents bought him this tent. He gets in it all of the time and plays peek-a-boo. The girls get in with him often and all of them enjoy it.

This nook is my favorite part. The previous owners built in desks in the bedrooms that have dormers. Originally, I didn’t think I’d keep the one in here because he’s too small for a desk, but we’re planning on staying here for the long run, so I knew I should probably keep it for homework when he gets bigger. Right now I put his bean bag inside and it's more of a toy and reading nook. I made the curtains from a duvet that I found at Ikea for $15. If you remember, the matching pillow case is on Noah’s pillow in his crib. I simply cut the duvet in half, hemmed the edges and created a rod pocket at the top. I used a tension rod to hang it and used jute to pull back the sides.

The rug is also from Ikea. Jonathan has instilled a healthy love for Hot Wheels in all of the kids, so the three of them get down and play on this rug all of the time. I use bins for Noah’s toys. It makes clean up so quick and easy and even he can clean up without much help from me.

While I would love a house full of “Pinterest perfect” rooms, they just aren't practical. And they're holding a standard over your head that is just not attainable unless no one else lives in your house. Kids need toys and unfortunately some of them are big and not so attractive (ahem, race track and tent), but they make my baby smile and he is using his imagination like crazy when he plays in his room. 

Still on my to-do list for this room:
  •     Paint the dormer nook the same green as the dresser (if you notice, it’s still the original green that it was when we bought the house, I’ve intended to paint it an accent color from the beginning)
  •     More wall décor
  •     Transform crib to toddler bed soon
  •     Find ways to bring more light-more white accents and more lighting in the back corner

I hope you enjoyed Noah’s room reveal! If you're wondering, he’s 17 months old and this room suits his needs perfectly! Stay tuned for our kitchen reveal, basement reveal and Madelynn and Annabella’s room reveal! 

Are y'all redecorating any rooms right now? Have you recently moved into a new house? Comment below and tell me all about it!

Friday, June 26, 2015

The Hateful Christian

I am going to be completely honest right now. I am SO TIRED of being portrayed as the Christian who hates everyone, thinks I'm perfect and is judging the world. 

Jesus tells us to love others. He has given us guidelines to live by and as Christians we are expected to live within those guidelines. We are also expected to approach others about their sins with LOVE to save them from an eternity in hell. 2 Timothy 2:24-25 tells us:

The Lord's bond-servant must not be quarrelsome, but kind to all, able to teach, patient when wronged. With gentleness correcting those who are in opposition, if perhaps God may grant them repentance leading to the knowledge of the truth. And they may come to their senses and escape from the snare of the devil, having been held captive by him to do his will.

No lost soul is going to listen to you if you talk down to them. We are to approach the lost with LOVE. Not judgement, condemnation, or hatred. With LOVE. Talk to them, help them, lead them. I DON'T HATE ANYONE. As for judgement, yes I judge. Knowing the difference between right and wrong is judgement. Am I judging people and one by one, telling them who is going to heaven and who is going to hell? ABSOLUTELY NOT. But it is completely necessary for us to judge the right from wrong so that we know what to do and what not to do. So that we know evil from good. So that we can lead the lost. 

The most important thing is this: God loves you SO much. He created you. He took the time to create every detail in your appearance, personality and your soul. He knows the struggles that you deal with and He knows the doubts that you have. And all He wants more than anything is for you to lean into Him and experience freedom in Christ. If you don't have a relationship with Jesus Christ, you need to start one now. Speak to Him. Read about Him in the Bible. If you don't have a Bible, there are tons of free resources online. Don't wait. 

Don't let society tell you that Christianity is evil. Don't let them tell you that God hates you because of your sin. Remember that Christians are trying to help you and lead you in LOVE to repentance. God is love. Accept His unwavering love.

Sunday, June 21, 2015

How 'Let Your Husband Love You' Changed my Relationship

I was introduced to the blog When at Home through the post Let Your Husband Love You. I was pregnant with my third baby and cruising Facebook when I noticed many of my girlfriends sharing the same blog post. I was immediately convicted when I read it. I was a mother to 3 and 1 year old daughters with a little boy due any day. Life was insanely busy and the girls were so demanding of my time and energy that there was very little left for my husband. It was so easy to brush him off, leave the kids with him, ignore his acts of affection and breathe in a sigh of relief that I was off the hook from solo baby duty. 

I mentioned the post to him and he agreed with Kristen whole heartedly. I told him I would make an effort to love him more and he was honestly excited about it. And then...our son was born. So now I was a stay at home mom to a 3 and 1 year old and a constantly nursing newborn. I was in over my head, exhausted and insane. Our relationship was no where on my radar. This continued for quite a while.

I read Kristen's posts regularly after Let Your Husband Love You. I never forgot what brought me to her site, but I stopped putting the effort into my marriage, because quite honestly, I didn't have anything left. Jonathan would come home from work and try to hug me while I was rushing to have dinner finished, break up a sister fight and quiet the baby before he nursed for the 100th time that day and I would shrug him off. The girls would go to bed, but Noah would stay downstairs with us, nursing and cuddling into the late night and then he would come to bed with us. I'm not against nursing or co-sleeping, but my husband had NO closeness with me. The baby was ALWAYS between us. I hadn't shown my husband any affection in who knows how long and it had driven a wedge between us. He didn't feel loved. I didn't feel loved. He didn't approach me anymore, so I felt insecure about that. I figured that after three kids, I just wasn't attractive to him anymore. I was old news.  

All of my emotions and insecurities came out in anger. Eventually it turned into a fight and as I expressed my thoughts that Jonathan was no longer attracted to me and obviously didn't love me anymore, he called me out. He told me that I was pushing him away. I never let him hug me or kiss me. I never gave him any affection or attention and he saw that as me being tired of him. Not attracted to him. Kristen's words were echoing in my mind at that very moment. Because he needs to love you. As much as you need to receive the love he has for you, he needs to be received. He needs to be welcomed, embraced, and loved.  The wedge in our relationship wasn't from him pushing me away, not being attracted to me, it was from ME. It was me making him feel like he didn't mean anything to me anymore. It was my own insecurities and busyness with the kids, making him feel unimportant and unloved. I fixed it. Became more intentional about loving him and receiving his love. Took Kristen's advice and stepped out of frantic mom mode long enough to let him love me. 

We went through another period of me pushing him away recently. We just moved and are trying to get the house set up while raising 5, 3, and 1 year olds and he works 55 hours a week and is also in grad school. I stopped giving him affection or attention because I was so busy and he stopped offering it because I was pushing him away, not letting him love me again. I reread Kristin's post and reapplied it to my marriage. We've been going strong for a couple of weeks now. 

It's about being intentional about showing and receiving affection. About remembering why we got married and started this crazy family to begin with. 
It's about all the hats that we wear as women-wife being the most important. Do yourself a favor and listen to Kristen's advice. Apply it to your marriage. Remember it when you go through a dry spell, because trust me, it will happen. 

Comment below and let me know if you've taken Kristen's advice and how it's helped you. Or maybe you need to start taking our advice to improve your relationship? Don't be shy, comment below!

**UPDATE** Thanks to Kristen from When at Home for sharing this post on her Facebook page! Please subscribe to emails from my blog, Our Journey in Love on the sidebar for new posts on family, God, relationships, home decor tips and reveals as well as DIY projects!! Thank you so much for reading!

Thursday, June 18, 2015

You need Jesus NOW

There have been three tragic occasions this past week that have really shaken me. My life is very much like the lives of those affected. And when tragedies occur, one of the first things we think is, that could have been me.

The first was a beautiful woman who suffered a sudden brain aneurysm and passed away. She was a mother of four young children. A photographer. A wife. An absolute lover of life.

The second tragedy was a family that was ripped apart by a sudden car crash. They woke up as a happy family of five on vacation in Florida and instantly their lives were changed forever. The father, 11 year old son, and 9 year old daughter were killed leaving the mother and 7 year old daughter behind. 

Last night a madman murdered nine people in Charleston. His motives are unknown, but he entered the house of God and shot nine people during Bible study. 

How does my life relate with these tragedies? I'm a mother. A fellow creative. I have two daughters and one son, all two years apart. We awake each morning as a family of five. My child was at VBS last night at our church, learning about Jesus and studying the Bible. But the biggest common factor is this: our relationship with JESUS. Each of these people had a deep relationship with Jesus and their families know for certain they will see their lost family members in Heaven. These people died with a relationship with Christ and they simply moved onto Heaven. While we mourn their losses or make comparisons of our lives to theirs and wonder why it wasn't us, we are comforted by the fact that their souls are safe and they are out of this world and in the arms of Jesus. 

That is the only reason I can handle the hatred and unexpected tragedies in this world. That I don't sit in fear that at any moment my body may fail me. That is the only reason I can get in my car and drive to the store without the crippling fear that a distracted driver may hit us head on. The only way I can drop my daughter off at church without wondering if I'll ever see her again. Life is FULL of tragedies. Horrible things happen to amazing people everyday. And if these people don't have a relationship with Jesus while they're here on Earth, it will be too late for them when the unexpected occurs. There will be no comfort for those left behind. They'll be facing an eternity separated from God and there's not a single thing we can do about it at that point. Don't let that happen to your loved ones. 

Don't let it happen to you. Open the Bible or read it from a reputable source online. Share the gospel. Don't be scared. There are probably 1000 other incidences that have occurred recently to people whose lives are very much like mine and yours. We don't have time to wait. We don't have time to put our relationship with God on hold. You need Jesus NOW.

Thursday, June 11, 2015

Madsy and Mommy Workday

I love our Farmers' Market Saturdays. Our family gets up early on Saturday morning to enjoy "peddle corn", live music and fresh veggies. We love people watching and being a part of the community. I have had a booth there before, several years ago when I made organic body scrubs. This year I decided to have another booth with Madsy Bella items and I had a very special assistant join me.

She absolutely loved helping mommy, modeling her tutu and just being a big girl in general. I can't believe she's old enough to help me. Just the other day she was an itty bitty baby and I was the center of her world. Now, she's growing faster than I can keep up and she's selling my headbands and tutus with me. She was so engaging and did a great job explaining the products and "hard selling." It was pretty hysterical when she was giving potential customers bags and telling them to put all of the stuff they wanted to buy inside of it and give mommy money! ;)

Jonathan, Annabella, and Noah joined us halfway through the morning, so she got to go off with daddy and enjoy the other vendors. It was pretty hot and we got up super early, so she started losing it around 11:30, but I really can't blame her, lol.

We passed out a ton of business cards and talked to a lot of people. I won't be back this week, but the week after we'll go at it again. I'm praying for this to really boost my business and get the community interested in my items. Madsy Bella Boutique is ready to fly and with God's help, it's going to soar! Plus, with a gorgeous view like this, how could standing in the heat ever be a bad thing?

Click here to visit my shop!